Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Three Vacation Rentals Pricing Mistakes to Avoid

vacation home rentals kissimmee Orlando
In the vacation home world, pricing is surely a delicate topic. Many vacation owners are of the belief that if they price their vacation home higher, they will earn more profits. They hold on to their belief even when they have extremely low or no bookings. They feel that if they drop their rates and make it competitive, they will lose money.

Their impulse to charge high is surely understandable. But according to various researches, often high prices lead to the opposite result. Vacation homes that are competitively priced make much more money that the rental homes that hold tight to their higher rates, no matter the circumstance. So, it is extremely crucial to price your vacation home rightly to get more bookings throughout the year and achieve your annual income goals.

Read on to know the 3 crucial pricing mistakes to avoid.

Thinking about short term profits
The major reason why vacation home owners price their property high is thinking about achieving their short term gains. The major point which vacation home owners are unable to understand is that there is significant different between asking for more money and getting more money. As aforementioned, the Kissimmee vacation rentals that are charged more that other competitors get fewer bookings. Thus, even though you may be charging more money than the competitors, still your annual income will be lower than your competitors. So, consider long term goals and price your vacation rental accordingly.

Competing with wrong vacation home owners
It is crucial to place competitive game with those vacation home owners whose property is similar to yours. If you try to compete with vacation rental owners who own 5 room property as compared to your 2 room property and wish to charge similar pricing, you will end up losing your guests.

Adding your own rules
You may have a special facility in your rental home like pool or Jacuzzi and charge significant amount of extra money for the amenity. It can actually be a mistake on your part. Even though you feel that your offered amenity is worth the price, your guests may not share your opinion. So, be extra sure, check out the vacation homes with similar amenities and consider their pricing to come up with a sensible pricing which your guests are willing to pay.

Keep dynamic pricing for your vacation rental and enjoy significant bookings for your vacation homes in Orlando throughout the year!

Friday, 15 July 2016

Quick Summer Road trip Checklist

Disney area vacation home rental
Are you planning a summer road trip to a beautiful locale? A trip can be a great way to unwind and spend some wonderful moments with your family or friends. But what isn’t fun is your vehicle breaking down in a isolated locale, you getting lost or any of you getting injured. Little precautions can be a great way to avoid the pitfalls and enjoy your trip.

Ensure your car is ready
If the journey is long, you need to ensure that your car is in perfect condition. Thus, you need checking your car, changing the oil, ensuring that the maintenance needs are met etc. Also, verify the tires, add a spare time in the back of your car and check the windshield wipers are in tip-top condition to get you through the stormy weather. Also, ensure that the break is in perfect working order and keep a vehicle emergency kit, including the required tools.

Pack a Car Emergency Kit
If you want to reach your pre-booked vacation homes Kissimmee timely and joyfully, be prepared for road emergencies whether small or big. For your vehicle carry wiper fluid, coolant, extra oil, sealant etc.

Carry Emergency Supplies for People
Pack emergency supplies like first aid kit, flashlight, blankets, napkins and even a garbage bag. Stock up food items like beverages and snacks for emergencies. It will also help you reach your destination quickly, without the need to stop for meals time and again.

Bring along necessary documents
Make sure to carry important documents like health insurance of yourself and other travelers. Add vehicle registration documents, insurance and your driving license. Also carry along passport and birth certificate in case international travel is involved.

Carry Electronic Devices
To capture the scenic beauty of Disney vacation rentals and major attractions of the destination, carry along your digital camera. Also, pack entertainment devices as the long road trip may become boring for the other occupants of the vehicle. Make sure to bring extra batteries and charger.

Finally, carry the GPS navigation system if the destination is new to you. Gone are the days when paper road maps were used. Portable GPS navigation devices can be an easy and convenient way to reach your destination without any worry. Follow the aforementioned tips and start your vehicle engine. You are now all set to enjoy your road trip and vacation with your loved ones!